Ziva Kronzon Visceral Sculpture

Untitled,1985, Cast Paper, Pigments 25″X70″X45″

Though she works with fragile materials, Ziva Kronzon’s sculpture is powerful and visceral.  She casts casts paper and shapes it in plaster molds. The paper sculptures are then painted to look like metal, suggesting columns, boxes and receptacles. “Ms. Kronzon’s surfaces are like flesh scarred by fire and transience.” (from NYT, Michael Brenson, October 28, 1988)


Unititled,1988. Cast Paper Pigments Iron, Wire Mesh 20″x20″x15″


Suspended Vessels, 1994, Cast Paper Pigments Iron Wire, 60″X205″X48″


Katyusha, 1986, Cast Paper & Iron, 45″X60″X45″


Shelter#1, 1990, cast paper pigments, 60″x40″x3″


Reliquary, 1984, Cast Paper Pigments, 50″x43″x23″


Circle, 1987, cast paper pigments iron & wire, 25″x120″x110″


Seat,1988, Wood Cast Paper Iron, 70″X95″X38″


Reinforced Structure, 1991, Cast Paper Iron, 61″X91″X76″


Plaster Lasts (detail), 1994-5, Xerox print on transparency copper clamps on wires, dimernsions variable


Untitled, digital print, 2000.06, 33″x63″


Clump, 1995, Hydrocal plaster casts pigments, dimensions variable partial view


Clump (detail), 1995


Ziva Kronzon born in Haifa in 1939 in what was then Palestine under the British Mandate and later became the state of Israel.
Graduated from the Bezalel Art School in Jerusalem and from the military service in the IDF. Ziva exhibited in one person shows and participated in group shows in Israel, Europe, North and South America. Her art works are included in both private collections and museums. She lives and works in New York.


  1. Edna Shochat says:

    Oh, Ziva, like no other artist – your art always takes our breath away. It touches deep into the soul and leaves an unforgettable mark. From the first time we met, in the early 1980s, and to this day as we keep visiting it on the pages of the magnificent tome Embers.
    Your work is as powerful as it is timeless and we thank you, Tova, for bringing it to these pages.

  2. Hi Tova, this morning, as I’m cleaning out my thousands of emails from this account, I come across an interesting word: thepythians. I read it as “the Pythians” and decide to check it out. It’s you! Only a few days after I sent you a note; and I remember that you had told me about this. How wonderful!

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