Summer Party, 2017 48″ x 72″ oil
Using simple images; trees, birds, water, sky, tables, coffeepots, Stephanie Brody-Lederman extracts the poetry inherent in ordinary life; rich textures and words accentuate the passage of time and the mark of the human hand.
Light Spring, 2017 48″ x 72″, oil
Fireflies2, 2016 36″ x 36″, oil
Dog, 2015, 48″ x 72″ oil
Backstage, 2017, 48″ x 72″ oil
Night,Lake,River,Deep,18″ x 25″,acrylic on paper
10, 2015, 24″ x 24″ oil
We are in the same boat, 2017 oil 60″x40″
Big Bad Borges, 2005, 28″x28″,oil
Bohemian Little, 2015, 50″ x 76″ oil
Stephanie Brody-Lederman’s paintings have been seen on the covers of The Paris Review #160 and L’Oeil magazines, and have been shown at the Cooper Hewitt Museum, MoMA, NYC, San Francisco Airport and Musee Bourdelle, Paris, France. A portfolio of her work appeared in The Paris Review #75, and the Intermedia Poetry Project. Among the grants and awards she has received are: NYFA, LMCC, Artists Space, Percent for Art, SOS Grant, Hassam and Speicher Award, NYFA/NEA LINE Grant, Ariana Foundation for the Arts Grant, E.D Foundation Grant and Percent for Art award. Her work was selected as one of nine semi-finalists for The Basil. H. Alkazzi Award for Excellence 2015.